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Trademark registration

  • Global trademark application

    The trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right of the brand, and the operator will pay attention to the product quality, so the consumer purchases the brand‘s goods with certain guarantee. Trademarks are protected in a regional manner. Only in the countr...

  • patent application

  • Hong Kong patent application

    The new Hong Kong Patent Ordinance was passed by the Legislative Council on 28 May 1997 and was implemented on 27 June 1997. The new "Regulations" provides that Hong Kong will establish a standard patent and short-term patent composition of the independent pat...

  • American Patent Type

  • International patent application

  • Hong Kong trademark application

    The Hong Kong Trade Marks Registry, which began operation in 1874, is one of the oldest trade mark registries in the world. In addition to being responsible for the registration of merchandise trademarks, the Hong Kong Registered Service Trademarks began in 19...

  • Registered Japanese trademark

    Natural and legal persons can apply for trademark registration. Trademark applicants must be used in goods or services related to their business, or those who plan to use the trademark in the future. Therefore, in the trademark application, must fill in their ...

  • British trademark application

    British trademark The earliest legal system: In 1875, after overcoming many difficulties, finally established the world‘s first trademark registration law - Trademark Registration Ordinance 1875 (The Trade Marks Registration Act of 1875). And the world‘s fir...

  • French trademark registration

    The French trademark authority is the National Agency for Industrial Property (INTI: INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LAPROPRIETE INEUSTRIELLE). In addition to its headquarters in Paris, there are seven sub-bureaus in large and medium cities such as Bordeaux, Lyon, Marsei...

  • German trademark application

    The German mark is valid for 10 years from the date of application to the last day of the month on which the application is made. After each ten years of renewal.

  • American trademark registration

    The United States to use trademark on the use of the trademark, the protection period for ten years from the date of registration, can be extended several times each ten years. If you have already used the trademark in the United States, you can make an applic...

  • The eu trade mark registration

    Just register a trademark in the European Union, you can use the trademarks in the eu 25member states.

  • The trademark registration

  • Hong Kong trade mark registration

    Founded in Hong Kong company, registered trademarks, can rapidly improve enterprise‘s popularity.


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