Hong Kong is one of the world‘s free trade treaty ports, coupled with good infrastructure and a sound legal system itself, it provides entrepreneurs with unique business environment. Founded in Hong Kong company, registered trademarks, can rapidly improve enterprise well-knownness, the promotion of the competitiveness of the enterprise growing, obtain the biggest profit.
To apply for Hong Kong trademark conditions
1. Can apply by a natural person or legal person
2. The trademark application materials needed
3. In legal application, attached the business license or effective 1 photocopy of proof of registration; 1 application by a natural person with personal id photocopy;
4. 1 clear of the trademarks;
5. Fill in one application form, application form must be signed by the applicant or signed by the agent
6. List for registration of a commodity or service, points out that trademark categories, are available from this website, trademark classification table in the query.
7. Trademark registration a power of attorney, the applicant must be in the power of attorney signed and sealed
Hong Kong registered trademark query
Anyone can use at any time the government of Hong Kong intellectual property department of free search web site
http://ipsearch.ipd.gov.hk search to see if there is the same or similar registered trademark and earlier application in Hong Kong.
If you want to entrust the company comprehensive and professional search, each search one trademark in one international classification fee is RMB 450. Time is needed for 1 working day. Search reports are made in writing, the content including indeed have the same in Hong Kong registered trademarks and prior application, list the approximate search of trademark, and provides the approximate whether the trademark constitutes, similar confusion, make the professional written comments.
If the customer need to apply for trademark words and patterns, the company‘s search will not add cost to include two parts, the words and patterns. If the company written opinions to make positive application advice, and after the application part because there is a confusion of similar trademark of the opposition, the company will return all of the application fee.
Trademark registration in review before applying, will examine in detail the application form and all attachments, whether to view the form must fill in the part has already completed, the information is correct, the required information is not complete. If everything is in order, application will enter the next phase (phase examination as to substance).
Examination as to substance
Complete inspection application deficiency and make sure all the information ready, trademark registry will going through trade record, to determine the same or similar goods or services, if there are other merchants have the same or similar trademark registration or application for registration. Trademark registry will also check the trademark compliance with the registration of the trade marks ordinance order rules.
If approved, the application program will enter the next phase (phase the announcement of the xian).
Deng xian announcement
The trademark registry after approval, will be in Hong Kong intellectual property gazette notice, for three months, if no objection, can successfully registered the trademark.
After application for trademark registration is approved, will write down details of the trademark registration book of records, and issued a registration certificate to the applicant. In addition, the registrar of trademarks will be registered in Hong Kong published in the gazette of intellectual property rights of public announcement. Registration date will be traced back to submit their applications on the same day, in other words, as a registered trademark owner‘s rights, since the day should be submitted by the application.