Located in the southwest of Indian Ocean as an island country, the Seychelles are 1,500 km from the east coastal line of Africa, which is to their west, as well as more than 900 km away from Madagascar, which is to their south. Their geographic position is very important, as they lie in the core belt of Europe, Asia, and Africa, representing a transportation hub for Asia and Africa.
èAdvantages of a company registered in the Seychelles:
As long as any company registered in the Seychelles does not engage in any local business operations, profits so earned will be free from tax.
An account audit is not required for these companies.
Any company incorporated in the Seychelles may set up its bank account in Hong Kong.
èFor corporate registration in the Seychelles, the following shall be provided or determined:
To determine the company name (which can be registered in both the English and Chinese languages, and be shown on the certificate in both languages)
To determine the number of shareholders and directors and to provide copies of their valid identification certificates or passports
To provide the residency certificates of all shareholders and directors, in other words, any bills that contains their names and residential addresses, including utility bills or phone bills
To determine the shareholding percentage (in case of more than one shareholder)
To determine the registered capital, which is in general USD 50,000
èInformation will be provided upon incorporation of a company in the Seychelles:
Share certificates
Articles of association and by-laws
Registry of shareholders
Corporate chops
Articles of association and certificate of standing, all of which will be archived
èOpening a bank account:
Any company incorporated in the Seychelles may set up its bank account in Hong Kong or Mainland China, as long as all corporate information, including local certificates issued by the Seychelles authorities, inquiry fees, original identification certificates, passports, or Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau (also known as “Two-way Permit”) of all shareholders, certificates of residency (including utility bills), and cash to be deposited with the opening bank (which is not required in case of opening an account with banks in Mainland China).
èCorporate maintenance services:
Any international business entity is not required to document any annual return, accounting books, or financial statements. All offshore companies are not required to pay any tax, nor are they required to submit financial statements to any governmental authorities of the Seychelles.
Registration takes twelve (12) working days.