Samoa Company Registration
Geography of Samoa:
Located in the south of the Pacific Ocean and to the west of the Samoan Islands, the Independent State of Samoa is consisting of two large islands of Upolu and Savai’i, and eight small islets. These are the three islets in the Apolima Strait (Manono Island, Apolima and Nu‘ulopa), the four Aleipata Islands off the eastern end of Upolu (Nu‘utele, Nu‘ulua, Namua, and Fanuatapu), and Nu‘usafe‘e
◆company name restrictions
Company names in Samoa usually use “limited”, “corporation”, “incorporated”, “sociètè anonyme”, “sociedad berhad anonima”, or their abbreviations as the end of company name. If any company adopt “bank”, “building society”, “savings”, “loans”, “trust”, “trustees”, “insurance”, “assurance”, “reinsurance”, “co-operative”, “council”, or “Chamber of Commerce” as the end of company name, then further application is required. An additional fee of USD 300 will be charged for a company name in Chinese.
◆Registered capital of a company
The standard authorized capital in general is USD 1 million, and the registered capital may be denominated in any currency. The concrete capital at least shall be one share or shares without par value. Non-registered shares may be issued.
◆For company registration in Samoa, the following shall be provided or determined:
To determine the name of a company which could be in the English or in Chinese and English, and both Chinese and English can be shown on certificate)
Copies of the identification card or passports of shareholders, if the registrant is a legal person, copies of the business license and tax registration certificate should be provided.
To provide the residential proof of shareholders such as correspondence addresses of shareholders, directors, the secretary, or a company)
To determine the share ratios of all shareholders
◆ Registration and maintenance fees and time for a company registered in Samoa
1. We assist in registering a new company in Samoa (including government-issued licenses, registration agents, registered addresses, and mail delivery)
2. Registration of a company in Samoa takes fifteen (15) work days (excluding the time required for mail delivery)
◆ Information will be provided to the client after registration a company in Samoa successfully:
1. Registration certificate
2. Articles of association
3. Share certificates
4. Company chop
5. Common seal
Other services for Samoa company registration
Certificate of Good Standing
Certificate of Incumbency
Opening a bank account:
To open a bank account, all shareholders are required to set up the bank account in person, so we will work with you to perform the necessary procedures by recommending banks to open an account/preparing meeting minutes/applying for a bank account/arranging referrals/assigning a designated agent to assist in setting up an account with the opening bank. The offshore bank account refers to any bank account of a Samoan company set up with banks outside Samoa, which provides you with the advantage of receiving payments directly in the country where you reside. The application for a bank account will not be processed before the incorporation of a company.